Confidential Computing in a nutshell

🌰 Confidential Computing in a nutshell: 🌰

Don’t trust the cloud, trust the hardware manufacturer.

But can you trust the hardware manufacturer?

Diagram illustrating the main concepts and trust relationships in confidential computing

Confidential Computing in a Nutshell. Source

Context and Problem

🚩 The problem: Several court rulings made it clear that GDPR is incompatible with US cloud providers due to “official access channels”.

✨ The solution: “Just use encryption!”

â›” Next problem: Does the US cloud have access to decryption keys? Could they decipher the data, if asked via “official channels”?

✨ The solution: Make it technically impossible for the cloud provider to decipher the data.

How does confidential computing work?

I’m a bit over-simplifying, but here is “jargon-removed-but-still-kinda-accurate” technical description of Confidential Computing:

So, should we trust Confidential Computing? said this:

[O]ur security analysis reveals that the limitations in SGX’s [CPU instructions needed for Confidential Computing] guarantees mean that a security conscious software developer cannot in good conscience rely on SGX for secure remote computation.

For anyone dying to read 118 pages to get all the details behind SGX, the current technology fueling Confidential Computing, here is an article from MIT:


🤔 Personally, I’m unsure. Is Confidential Computing finally the incarnation of trusted computing we’ve all been waiting for? Or is it yet another “just use encryption” argument post-Schrems2?

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